Our customers are amazed by how effective HeatSaver is!
Also available in custom sizes
What is a HeatSaver?
HeatSaver is an innovative and unique product that takes the heat from your fire pit and distributes it out 360 degrees.
Why do I need a HeatSaver???
Here is what you get
- A heat deflector that distributes your heat laterally 360 degrees
- Light weight and portable
- HeatSaver can be used as a fire pit cover
- HeatSaver reduces the amount of fuel you burn
- HeatSaver can act as a wind block
- Easy setup, no tools required
extendable legs for height adjustment
WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR HEAT? - Solving the Fire Pit Problem
Most people don't realize that when they turn on their fire pit that they are just sending all of their heat straight up, the path of least resistance. So we created HeatSaver to catch your heat and give it back to you.
Our patent pending technology forces the heat you generate to be spread out horizonatally in all directions, giving you more warmth and less waste.
Our reflective dish is specifically designed to push the heat from your fire pit back out towards you. You no longer need to turn your fire pit on full blast and then stand on top of it to keep warm.

Built-in fire pits
HeatSaver increases the enjoyment and warmth you get from your gas fire pit, keeping your family and your friends warmer and more comfortable when you are enjoying the outdoors. HeatSaver is light and portable, so you can use it in the backyard or take it camping with you. The legs are adjustable so you can adjust the height of the dish to work in a number of operating environments. You can even tilt the dish by lowering one leg so that the dish can act as a wind block.

More warmth.......
HeatSaver increases the enjoyment and warmth you get from your gas fire pit. Most of the heat that your fire pit generates goes straight up and is only heating the moon. With HeatSaver, the heat from your fire pit is distributed laterally in every direction. This keeps you, your family and your friends warmer and more comfortable when you are enjoying the outdoors. HeatSaver is light and portable, so you can use it in the backyard or take it camping with you. The legs are adjustable so you can adjust the height of the dish to work in a number of operating environments. You can even tilt the dish by lowering one leg so that the dish can act as a wind block.

More social......
Enjoy more time outside with your friends and family in a warm and safe environment. Being cooped up inside this past year, either alone or with others has been a bit of a struggle. We are happy to provide you with an environment that both keeps you social and safe.

More fun.......
We look to share the warmth with your friends and family, whether it is at home or while camping. HeatSaver is very portable so you can take it with you when you leave home. It works great with portable fire pits and the adjustable legs allow for HeatSaver to work with several different fire pit set ups.